In this course, participants will delve into the fundamental principles of cyber security and gain practical knowledge to safeguard sensitive information, networks, and systems from potential attacks. They will explore various topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Introduction to Cyber Security: Participants will receive an overview of the cyber security landscape, understanding the significance of cyber threats, and the potential consequences of a security breach.

  2. Threat Landscape Analysis: Students will explore the different types of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, social engineering, and more. They will learn to identify and assess potential risks and vulnerabilities in digital environments.

  3. Network Security: This module focuses on securing networks against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other network-based attacks. Participants will learn about firewalls, intrusion detection systems, secure protocols, and network monitoring techniques.

  4. Cryptography and Encryption: Understanding the principles of cryptography and encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive information. Students will explore encryption algorithms, digital signatures, and secure communication protocols.

  5. Secure Software Development: Participants will gain insights into secure coding practices, identifying and mitigating common vulnerabilities, and conducting secure code reviews.

  6. Incident Response and Disaster Recovery: This module covers the necessary steps to respond effectively to cyber incidents and develop plans for business continuity and disaster recovery.

  7. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing: Students will learn about ethical hacking methodologies, conducting penetration tests, and identifying vulnerabilities to strengthen security measures.

  8. Security Governance and Compliance: This module focuses on the legal and compliance aspects of cyber security, including data privacy regulations and industry standards.