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This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles of food preparation, including: understanding of food and kitchen safety and sanitation practices, basics of nutrition and healthy menus, chemistry of foods and cooking processes, food costs and budgeting, food identification, basic culinary terminology and techniques, proper use of kitchen tools and equipment, elements of food preservation, food quality checkpoints during production and government regulations affecting food and the consumer. Food labs and demonstrations play a significant role in the course.

Course Description

This course introduces students to the psychology involved in consumers’ food choices. The course will explore theoretical models of food choices and also study the major perspectives of human food choice, eating habits and preferences. Topics to be covered will include factors that shape food choices, strategies for simplifying food choice, the role of learning in development of food preference, food neophobia, relationship between food cravings and food choice as well as media marketing and food labelling.

The aim of the course is to provide students the chemical basis for understanding our surroundings, the global environment. They will study the chemistry of air, water, and toxic organic compounds as well as how anthropogenic activities affect this chemistry on planet Earth. The course will examine the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species found in air and water as well as the effects of technology thereon

This course includes the fundamentals of organic chemistry: structure and properties, stereochemistry and its consequences on chemical reactivity  energy of activation and transition state, saturated hydrocarbons, free-radical substitution, alcohols and ethers, reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons, electrophilic addition, cyclic aliphatic compounds, aromaticity, reaction of benzene and its derivatives, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines and phenols, aryl halides – nucleophilic aromatic substitution.