Course Synopsis

This scope of this course is comprehensive, covering the following: Overview and significance of sociology, sociological perspectives, sociological imagination, social organization, relationship and interactions in societies, and influence of social institutions, Socialization process, role of socialization agents, sociological processes, deviance and social pathologies, role of religion and Education in society. Role of sociological research for solving social problems.


This course is intended for students who would like to:

1. Develop an awareness of the trends and practices in the field of sociology in general.

2. Apply correctly the key terms, contexts, concepts, models, methods, paradigms and on-going research in the field of sociology.

3. Understand the principles and concepts used in sociology.

4. Acquire skills in applying sociological principles in the relevant contexts.

5. Discuss the role of socialization agents,  role of religion and Education in solving managing deviance and other social pathologies,

6.  Role of sociological research for solving social problems.

7. Develop an awareness of the trends and practices in sociological research.


Course Requirements

Each student is expected to observe the following:

Ø  Punctual attendance at every lecture session. (MW)

Ø  All assignments must be typed, (DOUBLE SPACED) and submitted on time.

Ø  Contribute orally in class discussions.

Ø  Write and present a research project

Ø  Write all quizzes, mid-semester examination and Final examination.

Course Content: ( Topics)

1.     Sociology- Introduction and definitions

2.     Sociological research, Quantitative researches, experimental, correlation, qualitative research

3.     Sociological perspectives Functionalism, Conflict perspective, Feminism, symbolic interactionist, Relativism,

4.     Social organization- social groups, social control

5.     Socialization- Agents of socialization Family, school, religion, peer group, media

6.     Religion and Society, social support, sociology of grief

7.     Education and society, Functions of education (latent and manifest) socialization, transmission of values, teacher expectancy

8.     Social Processes, social stratification, social differentiation, social change, social mobility

9. Deviance and other social pathologies, Anomie strain theory, social disorganization theory, labelling theory

10.     Sociological research and possible projects that could help the society.


Main Text book

E book

Other sources

Blakemore, K. and Cooksey, B. (1981). A Sociology of Education for Africa. London:


Boas, F. R. (1966) – Language and Culture Glencoe, The free press.


Cohes, P. s. (1969) Modern Social Theory, London Heinemann.


Ezewu, E. (1983) – Sociology of Education, Lagos, Longman.

Ottaway, K. C. (1976) - Education and Society, London, Routledge & Keegan Paul.


Giddens, A.   & Duneier M. (2015). Introduction to Sociology , 11th Edition › books


George Allen & Unwin. Coleman, J.S. (ed.) (1965). Education and Political Development. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.



Little, W. (2020)  Introduction to Sociology – 2nd Canadian Edition.

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-77420-021-6. Print ISBN: 978-1-77420-020-9.


Levy, Marion (1952) – The structure of Society, Priceton, P. U. Press.



Malinowski, B. (1943) – The Pan – African problem of Cultural Contact – American Journal of Sociology 1943, 48, PP, 649 – 665.


O’Connor, D. T. - (1957) – An introduction to the Philosophy of Education, London –



Morrish, I. (1976). The Sociology of Education. London: George Allen & Unwin. Musgrave, P.W. (1983).


Taylor, E. D. (1902) – Primitive Culture,


Tonja, R.C., Holmes, K. & Tamang, A.L. (2021) Introduction to Sociology Open Education Network


Wisler, J .M  C. (1923) - Man and Culture, New York, T. Y. Crowell & C. Morrish, Ivor (1972) - The sociology of Education, an introduction, London, George allen and Unwin.