This course focuses on the basic Introduction to Psychology including the study development, perception, learning, thinking, motivation, emotion, personality, intelligence, physiological aspects, sensory processes, attention, measurement and mental health. Some discussions will be given to the scientific nature of psychology in general. The professional roles which psychologists fill are studied, allowing the student some knowledge of how the professional interests and duties of psychologists can and do differ. Some basic philosophical and ethical issues in Psychology and its practice are reviewed.

Psychological Foundations of Education (EDUC 302) uses a participatory, learner-centred, adult education approach. This approach recognizes that YOU are responsible for your own learning. The instructor can only provide opportunities to learn, but cannot force you to learn. Course material is presented in substantive readings from text; topical readings from the reader; lecture and class discussions. You are expected to work hard in the course; for every hour of class time; you should spend at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class preparing by doing readings, assignments, studying for quizzes and examinations, and thinking about the course materials.

You are expected to take responsibility for the success of the course, that is, you 9should take an active interest not just in the course material, but in the course itself, making it a success for all participants. Factors such as interest, motivation, creativity, and initiative are more important elements in evaluating your performance in the course and assigning grade.